Skin Whitening Natuarally

You look in the mirror and give a cry of horror. The blue you seem to have developed a rash scars on your face long forgotten. You have made commendable efforts to get rid of it and have finally managed to conquer this dark place. Bravo! Looks like a feeling of deja vu? I'm sure it is. However, there is always a huge problem if the skin and can be easily washed. Our skin pigments that give us our foundation. Bleaching or skin whitening is a method by which our skin is pigmented, leading to skin bleaching. There are natural and chemical substances used for skin whitening. Skin Whitening is simple enough, so we should be careful while doing it. How to whiten your skin is in store for the future.

How to whiten skin naturally

Cucumber, potato and tomato

It is one of the most friendly (which is for lovers of beautiful girls) money available ingredients! Use them separately and in tandem. Although the spots on the skin are reduced cucumbers and potatoes, tomatoes added the icing on the cake (oops I mean the mixture of bleaching), with high antioxidant properties. Rub face with the juice of 3, leave overnight and wash next morning. Read more in home skin whitener.

Potatoes with honey and lemon juice
Take two small potatoes and then peel and grate. Place grated potato in a square piece of unbleached cotton cloth or muslin.
Now add 3 drops of lemon juice to grated potatoes and even add a few drops of honey to the mixture.
Close fabric in corners together, holding them between his fingers.
Rub the cloth with a mixture inside your face. That it remains as juice mixture on your face for a minimum of 20 minutes before rinsing.
An application, twice weekly, this score would be mixed skin whitening.
Oranges and raw milk
Take an orange and lemon peel and let the sun dry skin.
After the skin is completely dry, crush and add orange pulp to the raw milk. Add milk to consistency of paste.
Apply the paste on face and leave until dry.
Clean your face with warm water.
Lime juice
Start by cutting a lemon into slices.
Apply these slices where there are dark spots, freckles or spots directly.
Hold the edge is about 10 minutes, then rinse all juice.
You can do it once a week until you get rid of these spots.
How to whiten your skin with lemon is as simple as that. In addition to these mixtures, you can create a paste, including all the above ingredients with the addition of chickpea flour. That was all natural skin bleaching. This will certainly work, but it will take some time, but the advantage is that it is about organic and natural skin care. However, if you want to use a bleaching powder, here's what you can do.

How to whiten your skin at home
Wash your face clean with a mild cleanser, night and rinse with warm water. Then your face dry bed.
Another way you can whiten the skin is to use a skincare product with hydroquinone. Apply every night before going to bed. Hydroquinone interferes with the production of melanin pigment and do not let the skin necessary to produce skin color.
Increased exfoliation process in the morning. This will expose fresh skin pigment inhibited.
Among other useful and effective solutions for how to whiten skin is to use a chemical exfoliant. This leads to increased turnover of skin cells.
Use a sunscreen regularly to avoid adverse effects caused by sun exposure, especially at a blazing sun. Sun can completely reverse the effect of hydroquinone on the skin, resulting in increased production of pigments.
Even this process is not a concrete answer to the question of how quickly skin discoloration. That's because there is an overnight and it takes a minimum of two weeks to see effects. Therefore, you must be patient and wait on impact. But, in this sense, the question as skin whitening is safe, because they are not natural skin whitening agents. Moreover, skin whitening methods.

Finally, I feel instead of bleaching chemicals, you must use the orange, four grams, honey, lemon, etc., to clean skin potatoes. It is not necessary to know how to whiten skin unless there is a dark place like your face or bother. Dark skin looks great and beautiful ladies! Look right and beautiful for a while. That's where I sign! Beware!


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