salon skin care

For busy home and business executives because it is not always possible to maintain a regular beauty regime, if not an ordinary visit to the nearest beauty salon. Instead of spending money on artificial and expensive treatments, here is a simple program to groom yourself naturally. Just before going to bed, allot a period of ten minutes. Yes, you have little time just to keep you looking young and radiant.

Foot Care
Terrible feeling after a hard day? Once you get home, soak your feet in a basin of warm water mixed with a handful of fragrant bath salts. After 10 minutes, wash your feet (a simple soap and water wash is sufficient).

If you are not sleepy this time the applicant had rub your feet and heels. Using a toothpick (orange stick) clean the edges and grooves around the toenails to remove dirt that has accumulated. Apply cream or cold cream before entering. This will make skin soft and prevent people to flee at the sight of your feet.

Face Wash / Scrub
Clean your face before going to bed is essential to remove dirt could be taken that day. Walnut scrub is ideal for oily skin. Make sure you rub your face in circular motions and rinse with cold water. For those who have dry or sensitive skin can use baby oil or wet wipes, followed by a night cream.

Night Cream / Moisturizing
Time right to apply a treatment, especially moisturizer - if skin whitening hydrating cream under the eyes or simple. It will revitalize the facial skin and works wonders on the skin that have been exposed to any dirt and grime of the day. It would be a good idea to use it on your arm and neck as well.

Your hair
While oil is not the elixir of life for hair, it is essential to keep physically fit and flexible. Leave the oil overnight and wash in the morning with a shampoo for best results.

Heat a little oil (olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil or simply years), placing it in a small container in the swirling hot water. After oil becomes extremely hot, massage the scalp with your fingertips in a rotating motion, for at least 8-10 minutes. You can do it all soak feet in warm water.

Castor oil
Apply pure castor oil for eyebrows and eyelashes, especially those with weak economic growth, will grow thick and long. For tired eyes or swollen place a cotton pad soaked in chilled rose water. Make thin slices of cucumber in the fridge ready in advance is ideal.

grated cucumber, alone or mixed with carrot juice, can be transmitted from the eyes to reduce dark circles and sagging skin.

Lip Guard
And finally, a smear of Vaseline on your lips, and sleep like a baby and stand up as a fairy! Thank God for Nights, and he comes every day after morning is over!


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