Going For Gold In Skin Care

Since time immemorial people have sought the Holy Grail of youth. Now I can not say that I even failed to find the Holy Grail, but I can tell you all about looking for a replacement for gold. Well, if you do not understand my little play on words still speak literally gold. Among the most recent premium wrinkle creams that have been put on the market, such as cosmetics have been incorporated Oro 24k Gold gold among the ingredients. Now is this a marketing strategy just a new fad or clever you ask, probably. Well, I decided to find the answer to this question, and the results are very surprising.

Gold was first born to be the best antioxidant money can buy and we need the best anti-oxidant, as they play an important role in skin care. They help to prevent oxidative damage, which is a chemical process that produces harmful skin damage or destroy your products rather epithelial (skin) cells. Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium are all antioxidants needs another body is yours and you can get these through good nutrition. Although they are usually present in most anti-wrinkle creams available today. Another great feature of gold is that it is an antioxidant benefits and other antioxidants help penetrate deep into the dermis, where it will be more effective in preventing damage to collagen and elastin. In other words, it will prevent wrinkles, essentially because it is against natural causes.

Another issue to consider is that gold will not rust. A very important feature that you do not want to get infections all the unnecessary chemical reactions. Now, gold is only good for your body, but this is not going to produce great results when it is accompanied by his sidekick kick wrinkle peptide. Peptide to create and would have to get used new cell growth while gold is to maintain a radical (a component of molecules that are in search of their full and free electrons) free environment. Cells that were packed with fresh produce collagen longer and are more flexible than their primitive ancestors. This is essentially the main method of modern anti-aging creams.

If this will not convince quickly here are some points worth taking a look.

"It is quite natural
"This increases blood circulation in the region of which it is applied.
Creates an exuberant brilliance and shine of the skin, which is better than most, if not all other competitors in the alternative industry.
- It has been argued for centuries in Chinese medicine and ancient Indian civilization that golden touch on the skin
"It is quite natural
Even the beautiful Cleopatra-first century BC, was known for his gift of gold on the skin majestic.

So, if good enough for the most beautiful woman in every country in a century, is certainly worthy of your attention to the humble.


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